Tuesday, January 22, 2013

the unspoken rules

Over this past week we signed our lease to our new home. Yes, exciting, however I must admit I am a little nervous too. I went to school in town & opted to save money and live with my parents throughout college. So, you will have to understand my apprehension on living on my own & being in charge of a household. :) I am so blessed though to have a strong support system behind me as I slowly embark on the transition into married life. Loving encouraging parents (mine & his), extended family, & friends.

As the apartment slowly begins to look like a quaint little home, the more nervous I get for March. My mind keeps racing over and over. You live & you learn. We currently are working on our Pre-Marital Counseling work books. How fun it has been as well as a learning process. I am so grateful my church requires this study & put us with such an awesome married couple to lead us through the book chapter by chapter & step by step. I had to laugh. The first chapter talked about the unspoken rules that one has in their life due to how they grew up. In our work book, we each had to right them down & then discuss them. Totally great exercise! We learned a lot, even if we said we "knew everything about the other." One section made us laugh the most. The "quirky unspoken rules". Neither of us knew exactly what to put or what quirky things we had. But owe when we started unpacking his things in the apartment the first night, did the quirky things stand out the most. For example, I grew up putting the loaf of bread in the fridge. My mom says it makes the bread last longer. Justin opened the fridge Thursday night & looked at me and said "why is the bread in the fridge?" You, see he grew up with the bread being kept on the counter. An unspoken quirky rule. I am sure as time goes on & I move into the apartment come March 23rd, more quirks will come up. Oh, how things will change.

From all you married women, any tips for us as we embark on this adventure? All are welcome!


  1. I don't have any tips, but I know that God will help you through this transition of yours! I'm excited to someday discover those little unspoken rules with my future husband. The bread one made me smile because I can so imagine a similar conversation happening to me.

    p.s. I had no idea you lived at home when you went to school--definitely a good idea if I say so myself (and a great way to save money!).

    1. Thank for such an encouraging comment. :) God will def give you an awesome guy to share your future life with when it is time.

      Yep, living at home was sometimes a little hard but well worth it.
