Thursday, July 5, 2012


So, today is a day for lists. Lists for shopping, lists for to dos around the house, and lists that need to be completed for wedding planning. Me and list kinda have a love hate relationship. I do love seeing things slowly being checked off and crossed off but other times it seems like a uphill battle just to scratch one item off the long list. No, I am not saying that I am lazy. It is just I tend to, well how do I put it, I tend to get a little bit side tracked with something that seems to come across and more fun. I am sure you all can relate to that at least in one moment of your life or another.

Another thing to point out about today and I should realize this more often. It is amazing how much one person can get done this early in the morning. I got off work at 7:30am, made it home by 8am, and it is 10am now and I have a clean room, pictures hung and hey would you look at that my list is begging to get smaller already! Amazing right?!?!

Seriously, how amazing is this guy? Having a photographer there when we got engaged!

I have a feeling a Starbucks trip will be in my future. If you haven't noticed, Starbucks and I have a very close bond. Between caramel lattes, iced coffees, and passion tea lemonades, I became a Gold Member. Now, I am just anxiously awaiting for it to arrive in the mail! I may squeal with excitement when I receive it. 

How appropriate for me?

Okay, back to lists. All my lists have something in regards to wedding and wedding reception venues. I am going over to hang with the man later and hopefully when my list is a lot smaller to work on stuff. Ya know, we both with have our Macs up on our laps and working on stuff. Gosh, I feel all grown up.  But, I did find a few more ideas for the wedding. Some of which he absolutely agreed is a must

Yes, he loves the glasses, the super hero shirts, the beers...but the pink socks is a no.

And for all of you wondering how I stay awake all night at Starbucks isn't the answer. Because in St. Louis I have yet to find a 24 hour Starbucks. However, sometimes the patients we see help with the entertainment for the night. But we sometimes have other help as well!

Happy Thursday everyone!

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